
泥浆泵 motivate fluid flow along pipelines using the conversion of rotational kinetic energy into the hydrodynamic energy of fluid flow.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s M3H range of Pumps were developed from more than 50 years of Pump experience featuring head and efficiency improvements from previous models. 此范围的卧式主轴, 耐磨/耐腐蚀离心泥浆泵是专为建筑砂设计的, 压裂砂, 玻璃砂, 硅砂, 矿物砂, 水处理设施等.  


利用旋转动能转化为流体流动的流体动力能, 离心浆泵激发流体沿管道流动. 泵旋转, 因此转动能, 通常是由电动马达通过v形皮带驱动泵轴产生的. 流体沿轴向进入泵叶轮眼内, 通过它的旋转切向和径向作用于流体. 流体通过叶轮获得速度和压力而加速, 径向向外流入套管的, 减速,但压力在增加. 被加压后,它就离开了蜗壳. The displaced fluid in the Pump head is replaced by atmospheric pressure and static pressure acting on the fluid in the sump, 把它推到叶轮里.

泵的转速由变速器的比例调节, 在某些情况下, 使用变频驱动器来调整更精确的工作速度. 需要注意的是不要使用高的关断比,这会导致功率损失. 头部或更具体地说,总动态头部, 哪个是静力之和, 摩擦和压头, 是用来找速度头的吗. 对计算水头进行了修正(HR),使用被泵送的颗粒的d50,即固体体积百分比. 马力是按做功计算的,因此包括流体比重. Reference should always be made to the manufacturer’s curves to ensure the Pump is operating in the most efficient zone.

需要注意的是,这种泵的设计, 不像自吸容积泵, 不会把液体吸进套管. 如上所述, the fluid flows into the Pump based on atmospheric pressure and the height of fluid in the vessel (14.5psi或33.5ft.hd. [10mhd] +污水池与水位的高度).

其他因素影响泵的性能, 其中最重要的是净正吸头(汽蚀余量), 这不仅是设备问题,还是系统问题. 汽蚀余量是一种测量流体接近蒸汽压的方法吗. 汽蚀余量R 为了防止流体空化,是否需要在吸力侧设置水头值. 加热后的溶液特别容易发生. 当泵发生空化时,叶轮和轴承可能发生严重损坏.

The reverse function of the centrifugal Pump is as a water turbine converting potential energy of water pressure into mechanical rotational energy. 这方面的例子是将尾矿沿长斜坡排入池塘. 需要特殊的构建.

Lining materials vary and are typically selected based on the materials to be handled and any chemistry present. Most sand sized materials <5mm (4mesh) can be handled effectively by the use of the high-quality natural rubber compound liners. 砾石应由硬质金属泵处理,如Ni-Hard或Hi-Chrome (27%).


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全泥浆泵采用分离式套管设计,可以轻松进入尾管, 对叶轮和压盖进行维护. Most 泥浆泵 come with an assembly aid arm to support the suction casing during impeller repla水泥 and gland maintenance. This feature allows the technician to swing the casing away from the Pump instead of dropping the component to the ground or using a crane.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全泥浆泵具有现场可更换的湿端衬套,便于维护. 这些衬垫是自密封的,提供可靠的密封. 几种橡胶混合物可用于不同的用途: a natural rubber blend for high abrasion resistance and nitrile for different chemistries.   

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的轴承总成非常简单,但却经久耐用. 与其他制造商不同, 轴承座重组过程不需要预加载设置给定的湿端, 重型滚子轴承和驱动端, 双, 调心, 球面滚子轴承. 按安装要求将部件装入外壳, 操作维护手册, 按照指示润滑,你就可以出发了. 工厂重建轴承组件可用于最紧急的维护.



  • d型 压盖是我们最适合的压盖,具有旋转橡胶密封圈和静态陶瓷表面. These two highly abrasion resistant components are adjusted such that a minimal amount of slurry is allowed to pass through between the surfaces to act as lubrication. This gland design absorbs little energy and requires no external lubrication; although 在某些情况下 it can be fitted with flushing water. This design is ideal for applications where clean process water is unavailable or dilution of the slurry being pumped is undesirable. 对于粘性较大的浆料,不建议采用这种设计.
  • 屏蔽 glands have the lowest maintenance needs but require a reliable consistent fresh water supply of 1-5gpm at 3-5psi above pump discharge pressure (0.2-1 m3/小时(20-25千帕以上). This gland features two rubber seals separated by a lantern ring where the pressurized water is injected. 调整外部密封,使压盖水渗出润滑, 当内部密封处的水将固体从密封处冲走时. 这种压盖非常适合稠化剂底流等应用.
  • p型 腺体是经典的设计,在行业中是最常见的. 专门的填料环包裹在压盖套筒周围,通过压缩形成密封. This gland requires an external water source to lubricate the packing and will leak small amounts of process water to atmosphere. 清洁的水对这个腺体至关重要, although 在某些情况下 a grease lubricated gland can be supplied with hydrocarbon-compatible liners and components.

每个压盖都设计用于密封泵的加压湿端,使其与大气隔绝. 所有的压盖都有一个压盖套筒,以保护轴不受磨损. 密封件和部件由耐磨/耐腐蚀材料制造.



封闭的叶片 叶轮由高质量橡胶模压在钢骨架上. It is designed to maintain efficiency over a much longer period than an open vane and requires no added maintenance to adjust the clearance at the suction liner interface. 典型的开式叶轮在磨损时允许显著的旁路,效率显著降低.

开放的叶片 叶轮不是嵌入式叶轮式泵. They are the standard Pump head with a vortex flow design impeller that impels fluids through and out of the casing. 开式叶片是固体和纤维材料的选择,堵塞的风险最小, 例如,在农业应用中,将肥料从层沙中分离出来.



除了通常的旋转部件的保护, 从制造商或经销商那里得到建议是很重要的. This is especially true if buying a Pump secondhand — just because the manual says it was designed to pump 2,000流量, 如果关税与最初的关税不一样,它可能不会达到接近的水平. 每个职责都很具体. 假设您安装了泵,但管道的尺寸不对, 你可能会在处理材料上遇到严重的问题, 甚至可能导致泵爆炸.

This phenomenon has been reported by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (2009 bulletin) as a major concern. 浆料泵进水管和出水管堵塞, it is estimated that 40% of the energy from the motor will go to heating the contents of the wet end of the Pump. 热量上升很快,蒸汽压力会增加,爆炸就会发生. Confirming the correct flow rate to keep materials in suspension and maintaining the design percent solids and particle size can reduce this risk. Installing power and pressure monitoring sensors that are interlocked and/or alarmed are also advised.  菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全最近开发的热电偶装置在安装和报警时是另一个安全功能.

良好的工艺设计, 正确的污水池和管道机械设计, 以及安全相关附件的使用是决定泵安全运行的因素. 制造商永远是最好的起点.

因为泵以固定速度运行,并且没有被告知你移走了一段管道, 它将继续旋转,但现在发现它更容易抽水. 如果你看泵曲线, 你会看到,如果你降低水头(阻力),泵正在抽水, the new duty point will move to the right and the speed curve and head will intersect at a higher flowrate. 更高的流量意味着更多的工作被完成,因此电力需求更大. 如果降低泵送的高度也是一样的. The opposite occurs if you increase the head by adding pipe or vertical height to the discharge point. 增加水头而不改变速度的危险是导致较低的流量, 哪个可能低于临界凝固速度. 如果您正在考虑更改泵系统的任何部分,请联系制造商.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s bearing assemblies are designed around the use of grease lubrication — this means that the seals being used are not suitable for oil. It is more complicated to design for oil and any leakage is far more troublesome for both lack of lubrication and the spillage. Grease lubrication simplifies maintenance and is appropriate for the rpms typically seen in this type of equipment

而不是直接说不, 任何泵制造商的第一反应是什么, 让我们来看看为什么你可能不想考虑这个问题. 从我们的角度来看,90%的问题是在泵的吸入侧. 这些问题, 其中90%与糟糕的污水池设计有关, 例如错误的墙角(在山谷角和角落积聚), 太浅(漩涡), 太大(沉降和脱落), (带气性)太小, 涡旋)和不正确的吸入线(夹带和汽蚀余量问题). The science of sump design doesn’t start or finish with a cube or an old truck-mounted water tank — a correctly designed sump can save you many thousands of dollars in maintenance on your Pump, 甚至拯救一条生命.

它们有多热?? 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的轴承设计在相对较高的温度下运行-我们设置的最高温度为120C (248 o F). Possible reasons for bearings running hot logically include bearing failure; however, 通常还会有其他症状, 比如不寻常的噪音. Bearing failure can occur soon after gland failure if slurry has entered the seal at the wet end of the Pump.

可能只是轴承有毛病. 上次维修时是否使用了原设备制造商的轴承? It wouldn’t be the first time that price over value resulted in low-quality bearings being substituted.

失败, 或者是失败的症状, 也可能发生由于高皮带张力(传动端)或空气夹带或空化(湿端)。, 哪一个最终会损坏轴承. 确认温升(随时间升高或几乎立即升高)和最终温度. 寻找其他症状,比如噪音. 确保人身安全, 用听音棒对着轴承座看是否有轴承运转不顺畅的迹象. 向工厂咨询症状范围. 

幸运的是, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s bearing assemblies are simple to repair — purchase a bearing repair kit and follow the instructions. 准备好烤箱加热, 但组装不需要预加载设置-只需定位轴承到位, 润滑并盖上端盖, 完成润滑,你就完成了. 

泥浆泵是理想的建筑用砂, 体育砂, 特种砂, 尾矿, 水泥, 金属的开采, 纸浆及纸张, 水处理, 石头粉, 增稠剂底流和环境应用.

特性 & 好处
  • 现场可更换湿端衬管,便于维护
  • 自密封衬垫提供可靠的密封
  • 几种橡胶混合物可用于不同的用途
  • Natural rubber blend for high abrasion resistance is available in different durometers typically between 40A and 60A
  • 丁腈和氯丁橡胶也可用于不同的化学反应
  • 三种压盖型式:d型、h型、p型
  • 压盖的作用是将泵的加压湿端与大气隔离
  • 符合OSHA标准的钢护套覆盖所有移动部件
  • 垂直配置可根据特殊订单制造
  • 在吸力侧的套管上的排水塞,用于排干其内容物的湿端
  • 两种叶轮设计:封闭叶片和开放叶片


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