Sand is often referred to as the "gold standard" for freestall bedding material, 为奶牛提供最舒适的休息面. Sand also contains little or no organic material, which is important to keep bacteria levels low. 干燥的沙子吸走了休息的动物身上的水分. 它有助于清洁蹄子,并在小巷中提供很大的牵引力. Sand ultimately ends up in the manure as cows move into and out of the stalls. This sand and manure mixture has low flowability and pumpability and is highly abrasive. These challenges make it difficult to manage with standard-duty processing equipment.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 has developed a complete line of sand handling and separation equipment to tackle the tough job of processing sand-laden manure. Augers have been developed to move manure from the barns to a processing facility and storage. Abrasion-resistant pumps provide pumping solutions for dilute slurries. Manure separation equipment helps producers manage their sand-free manure effluent, and sand separation equipment removes a high percentage of the sand from the manure. This recovered sand has little organic content for reuse back in the stalls. The remaining manure effluent is virtually sand-free and can be processed further or pumped to a storage location.


一旦铺层沙与小巷里的牛粪混合在一起, 处理这些粪便的挑战大大增加了. This manure mixture can no longer be pumped with traditional pumps or flow by gravity. 要么把它推到水箱里, 从巷子里抽走,倒进一个水箱里, 用搅龙输送或用水冲洗. The design of a Sand Separation System typically involves the complete manure system, beginning in the barns w在这里 manure is scraped from the alleys and ending in the manure storage.

The proper design of the system begins with a careful analysis of the manure conveyance system. 从刮过的巷子里取出的未稀释的粪便, 这是按下的, 螺旋或真空的, 是用不同于粪肥的系统分离的吗, 哪个是被冲出来的. Once the proper Sand Separation System is selected for the dairy and their management needs, 提出了一种概念布局. 一旦设计达成一致, more details are added to the design until the final drawings are produced. 完整的工程和P.E. 必要时可提供冲压图纸.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全销售和设计团队与乳制品生产商合作, 其他工程公司, local contractors and government officials to design a system best suited for the dairy.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 pioneered the effort of mechanical sand manure separation and continues to lead the way in providing dairy producers with economical solutions for sand recovery and reuse. They were the first to provide a commercially available mechanical separation solution. They were the first to provide sand recovery rates high enough that the sand effluent could be used in a digester system. They were also the first to provide dewatering and drying solutions to produce a sand that is dry and pathogen free.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 equipment is designed and built not only to last a long time under harsh, 磨蚀性工作环境, 它可以在最短的停机时间内轻松维护. 所有机器都使用独特的耐磨金属组合, rubbers and urethanes located in strategic areas so they can be easily and quickly replaced. Many parts are stocked at their warehouses and at dealers located around the world to provide the ultimate in after-sale support.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 employs a team of engineers and sales and customer service personnel whose primary focus is providing cutting-edge bedding solutions to the dairy industry. These bedding solutions allow dairy producers to minimize bedding and manure management costs in order to maximize milk production and ultimately profits.



Yes, we would love to sit down and discuss the ROI for a Sand Separation System on your dairy. 首先,我们需要知道以下内容:

  1. 你每天、每周或每年用多少沙子?
  2. 每码或每吨沙子你们付多少钱?
  3. 你们的粪便输送系统是什么?
  4. 你的电费是多少?
  5. 有多少粪便需要处理? 或者有多少奶牛是自由式的?

从这和一些基本的乳制品信息, we can come up with a preliminary design and choose the correct equipment. 一旦我们选定了设备,确定了运行时间, we can calculate the operation and maintenance costs and estimate the ROI.

The process begins by contacting one of our dealers or contacting us directly. 点击 在这里 获取经销商名单和联系方式.

To answer this question, we first need to look at the manure conveyance system. 例如,如果粪便是未经稀释的, if the alleys are either scraped or vacuumed — then sand lane systems are not a viable option. If the manure is flushed from the alleys or transported with a flume system, then 要么选择 可以工作. 

Yes, sand bedding along with digestion works successfully at many dairies. Some dairies that have used sand for bedding and mechanical sand separation prior to putting the manure into a digester include Fair Oaks 乳制品 in Indiana, 威斯康星州的中央金沙奶牛场, 威斯康星州的罗森代尔奶牛场, 纽约的云杉港湾农场和密歇根的绿草地农场. 这些奶牛场的牛群规模从1800头到14000头不等.

Yes, many different types of sand have been used for bedding, although 有些品种比其他品种好. 如果你正在考虑砂分离, a washed concrete or mason sand is the best option for high sand recovery and clean sand. 不确定你的沙子是否能分离沙子? 下图显示了混凝土砂的典型砂分析.

C33-混凝土-Sand-Chart.PNG?mtime = 20180926161502 #资产:8996

Mechanical 隔砂系统 are primarily designed for separating bedding sand from manure.

特性 & 好处
  • 降低砂层成本
  • Produce a virtually endless supply of clean, dewatered bedding sand
  • 减少乳制品对环境的影响
  • 减少道路和田野上卡车和油罐车的数量
  • 不要拖运和撒沙子,减少土壤压实
  • 为处理沙子和粪肥而设计和制造的设备
  • 完整的系统设计
  • 备货配件及设备
  • 多种不同的系统设计是可用的
  • 多学科团队为系统提供全天候支持


我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site and answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.

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